When the literary forum Read650 put out a call for essays about money, I knew I had to write about my mom’s best friend Adele, who never had very much of it but always believed she had enough. Over the years, Adele was like my second mom, third sister, and BFF, doling out common-sense advice that I always took to heart. So did my younger sister Rachel. Here we all are at Adele’s retirement home in March 2017, about 18 months before she died. Rachel’s on the left, Adele’s standing next to me, and just behind her is our dear friend Myrtis, who gave Adele the chic black knit jacket she has on. You can hear my essay, “How to Think About Money” — and lots of other five-minute true stories by a cast of amazing writers — when Read650 takes the stage at City Winery NYC from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, March 13. Tickets for the show, “Time and Money,” are on sale here on the City Winery website. Doors open at 12:30 if you want to come early and have lunch before the show. In the meantime, check out the Read650 website for the latest essay prompts, podcasts, and printed anthologies and to watch videos of past performances. Hope to see you there!